Two years ago my girlfriend and I decided to get a puppy. Growing up in my family we had always had dogs in the house. We had dogs like German Shepard’s, Rottweilers and a Black Lab. My girlfriend grew up around dogs and other pets as well. It was extremely hard to try to decide which puppy to get, because every one looked so cute. We ultimately fell in love with an 8 week old yellow lab. The lab was bread by Amish breeders out in the Lancaster area. We left on a Friday afternoon to pick her up. I remember fondly the smell of the are and how bad it was, you could smell it through the closed windows of the car.
We drove down a long dark driveway that lead up to an Amish farm. Right when we got out of the car the Amish family was standing their waiting for us. I remember the Amish families kids were peeking out from behind their parents legs staring at us outsiders, I thought it was kind of funny because I’m sure they weren’t used to seeing “city people”. They lead us down to the barn where the puppies were kept. We had emailed back and forth with them on the puppy we wanted out of the litter. I believe her name on the dog website was Isabell, but when the family brought us back to where the puppies were they asked us which one we wanted. My girlfriend and I had looked at each other thinking which one was the one that we wanted, because we had no idea how to tell them apart. We asked the owner if he knew which puppy we had asked for, I remember him saying “this one” as he grabbed one of the puppies. The puppy that we decided to name Paisley sat on my girlfriends lap the whole ride home. We felt so bad for her because she was shaking in fear the entire drive back.
When we got back to my house she was so excited to be running around all these new things that she had never seen before. She loved rolling around on the soft carpet and playing with her new toys.
Now Paisley is a little over two years old. She loves being around people and being pet. She does this thing when you stop petting her she puts her paw on you almost like she’s petting you back. When I go upstairs she follows closely behind. I guess the saying “A dog is a mans best friend” really is true. I remember not knowing if it was the right decision to get a puppy or not, but looking back on it I am so happy I did and wouldn’t change it for anything.